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Project Management
Environmental Impact Assessment
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The Archaeological Diving Company
Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Impact Assessment Above: Mapping from the Mooncoin Regional Water Supply Scheme EIS The assessment process can be tailored to the particular needs and characteristics of each individual project. We have experience in dealing with all scales of development, from single house development to large-scale infrastructural schemes such as pipelines and motorways. The assessment process consists of a number of different stages. A desk-top or paper survey is firstly required in order to identify all recorded archaeological sites and noteworthy architectural features within the study area. A comprehensive selection of literary sources, archives and cartographic/ photographic materials are consulted at this stage. Part of our remit is to offer design solutions to our clients. As long as there is design flexibility then various options can be suggested and assessed. We can confidently offer an independent appraisal of any alternatives in the early stages. Field inspection is also required and offers the opportunity to observe the landscape or streetscape and the nature of the area in which the proposed development is located. The potential impact of the proposed work on the receiving environment can be determined with more accuracy and the nature and extent of the above ground evidence of recorded sites can be established. Mitigation measures are then suggested in order to attempt to remedy any adverse impacts on the cultural heritage. These recommendations will be in line with current best practice and will reflect the nature of the development.
Mapping from the Mooncoin Regional Water Supply Scheme EIS